Frog populations have been disappearing worldwide at unprecedented rates, and nearly one-third of the world’s 6,418 amphibian species are threatened with extinction. At least 100 species have completely disappeared since 1980.
In an effort to raise awareness of the plight of amphibians, the scientific community has declared April 28th 2009 the first Annual 'Save the Frogs Day'.
Worldwide, a number of amphibian conservation organisations, scientists and schools will encourage the appreciation and celebration of amphibians by people from all walks of life.
In the UK, Froglife –a national wildlife charity conserving amphibians and reptiles– is urging the public to dig more garden ponds.
Amphibian numbers in the UK’s countryside have declined in the last hundred years, largely through the disappearance of the ponds on which they depend to breed. The situation is now so serious that many populations are dependent on urban garden ponds and urban allotments to survive.
Froglife says more ponds are needed for amphibians, and the public can contribute: “85% of the UK population have gardens, and many of these can be made frog-friendly by adding a pond.” said Lucy Benyon, Froglife’s Wildlife Information Officer. “Within months, ponds often become an oasis for local wildlife – providing feeding and breeding grounds for a host of amphibians, and many invertebrates, mammals and birds.”
To celebrate Save the Frogs Day, Froglife is offering the public free copies of a booklet called ‘Just Add Water’. The booklet offers advice on how to build a pond, and covers a variety of subjects: from what shape to dig, how deep to go, and where to get the water; to technical advice on making ponds safe for young children.
“What we’re calling for is for gardeners to put down the trowel, reach for the spade and get digging – Save the Frogs Day is the perfect day to get started,” said Ms Benyon.
You can find out more about Just Add Water by visiting:
To find out more about Save the Frogs Day visit:
1 comment:
I dug a pond the first spring I moved into my house 1996
I knew there were frogs about as when I was clearing the wilderness that was my garden I came across one or two-even one in an abandoned chip pan filled with water in the falling down shed
they arived in droves-
the first year I had at least Five lots of frogspawn
and they stay around all year in the pond and around the garden
I did think they may dessert me when I dug up the lawn and reverted to gravel for easier garden maintenace -but no it hasnt put them off.Then again the usual garden pests are around in plentiful suppy for them to eat-so why move on
I also have a toad although I've never seen his partner or had any spawn from them
The pond has been extended a couple of times over the years and is very addictive -try it
It attracts a lot of wildlife
Dragonflies,water boatmen and birds bath in the shallow end
I have several gennerations of fish in there as well
I dont regret digging it -it is easy to maintain and a pleasure to have
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