Over the coming weeks we will be encouraging allotment-holders to tell us more about reptiles locally, asking them to fill in a short questionnaire. We will also be running a series of celebration events on allotments, which are safe havens for reptiles, particularly grass snakes, common lizards and slow-worms.
“Our survey of London’s allotments in 2003 found that 42% of allotments were home to reptiles (compared to only 8% in gardens),” said Jules Howard. “We’re hopeful that we can uncover similar results in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, and we’re encouraging allotment-holders to come forward and help us out by telling us about reptiles that they may have seen.”
Sightings of reptiles on allotments can be reported here or by calling the office on 01733 558844. You can also submit sightings of common frogs, common toads and great crested newts. Please let us know if you have NOT seen these animals on your allotment, to help us narrow our search.
The project will work closely with Peterborough and Cambridgeshire Biodiversity Partnership, with CPARG (Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Amphibian and Reptile Group), and with the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Biological Recording Centre. The project will contribute to the local Habitat Action Plan for Allotments.
Reptile Rummage is funded by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Biodiversity Partnership Fund.
More information on identifying reptiles is available here.